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Relationship-based Programs

Our 1-on-1 calls are long-term relationship-based programs, customized around your specific trauma & resilience stories, and what you specifically want to work on around race, 2SLGBTQ+ issues, trauma, and liberation


You can work with one or two of our many skilled facilitators based on the specific questions and issues you're facing. 


What can we shift in our minds, hearts, and bodies together over a 16-week phone program when we experience deep closeness and conversation around ending racism?


We use questions and scenarios from our lives and your life, and we are committed to meeting you where you’re at. We learn to be close to each other across identities that we’re taught should be barriers.


Our approach:

  • Support

  • Questions

  • No shame and blame

  • Trusting you to want to grow on your own

  • Finding the balance of meeting you where you're at and pushing you to grow

Custom Curriculum



Your trauma story, your pain profile, pleasure profile, family history, are all part of you. We want to get to know you on a deep level and meet you where you are.



This half is about action, taking the thinking from this program and applying it to your life. Where we go in the last 8 weeks depends on you, your needs, and hopes.


Be Flexible in Calls & Programming

We give space for any topic at the top for you (from news or life) 

Ultimately this is your session, your call...always allowing freedom in the process



Create Rigor over Time & Commitment



Bond & Connect
Deepen our relationship with each other and work towards closeness



Slow It Down

Not letting prolific moments slip by us - contrary to the white narrative that says “time is money”

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